Select 6 or more cards that you would like to include in your search and press the “buddy search” button below. The result will show the best combination of cards to include in your team that will give the highest number of buddy bonuses.
Checking the “fix card” box will ensure that the resulting party will include that card.
The operation method has been changed. A single click on the icon to selects the card, the second click fixes the selection (the icon turns orange), and click again to unselect the card.
Checking the “friend” box will take into account the buddy bonuses that you may receive from a friend card.
When you press the 'Buddy Search' button, the selected cards will be saved in the URL. By loading the same URL again, the card selection status will be recreated. Please use this feature to save and share your card list.
In the option menu, you can choose which type of card bonuses that you want to prioritize in your team.
This tool will search all patterns of cards you chose, so the search may take a while when many cards are chosen. To prevent this, choosing to fix some cards you want to include will help to optimize your team faster.
ご意見、バグ報告等ございましたら、お手数ですが twstbuddybonus@gmail.com までご連絡下さい。
If you find any bugs or want to leave a comment, please contact: twstbuddybonus@gmail.com